Каталог Кабели Межблочные кабели Harmonix Hijiri HGP-Million RCA 0,75 м.

Harmonix Hijiri HGP-Million RCA 0,75 м.

арт. HGP-075R
В наличии
297,150 р.
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HIJIRI Million – a long anticipated and waiting by music lovers around the world – take a place of Harmonix Golden Performance signal cable that had been acquired the highest admire by discerning audiophile in high end marketplaces.
HIJIRI Million is a very thorough signal transmission cables in perfect tonal balance, rich information, dedicated musical nuances that most of signal cables in the market is hard to perform. Vocal reproduction is very natural and lifelike in emotional touch by getting the body and harmonic decay properly integrated. Reproduction of String instrument and percussion has impact, does startling articulation and delineated with beautiful timbre and portrayal.
You will be completely floored by great sound of handcrafted HIJIRI Million signal cables will deliver.

Original design and made special wire-directional
Handcrafting to ensure the sound quality
Absolute directional
Isolated, independent RF noise grounding
Hijiri original connectors
Available size: 0.75m/1.0m/1.5m/2.0m/2.5m long for both RCA and XLR.
Longer size to order

Производитель Harmonix
Страна производителя Япония
Вариант отделки Цветной
Длина 0.75 м.
Тип Межблочный Аудио Кабель 2xRCA - 2xRCA
Материал проводника Направленная сверхчистая медь специальной разработки
Разъемы Hijiri собственного производства, полностью независимое заземление для подавления помех