Synergistic Research UEF Acoustic Panels Set (12 pcs.)
12 Panels
Up to 20 DOTS
One panel is to be placed centered on the front wall approximately 4-5 feet from the floor and One panel centered on the back wall approximately 5-6 feet from the floor. Two panels placed on either side of the front panel, 3.5-4.5 feet from the floor and 1 foot from the wall. Two additional panels are added above the right and left front wall panels, replacing the existing dots. Another two panels are added to the right and left walls, replacing the existing dots. Two new panels are placed on both sides of the back panel, a foot from the wall. Then two more panels are placed on the right and left side between the back wall and the center panels.
Dots are placed at floor level on the front and back wall. One dot on the ceiling centered, and two dots on the right and left walls, 5 feet from the ground.
Dots are placed above both of the front panels, 1.5 feet from the wall. One dot is placed above the top front panel between it and the ceiling and two more dots are placed on the right and left wall above each panel between the panel and the ceiling.
Dots are placed 5 feet from the ground on the right and left walls halfway between the existing dots and the back wall. Two of the dots are placed at the same level and the top front dot, 6 inches from the wall. Thelast dots are placed above the back panel, halfwaybetween the panel and the ceiling.
Two more dots are placed 5 feet from the ground on the right and left and halfway between the center dot and the front wall. The last dots are placed above all three back panels between them and the ceiling.